Date Night!


We love date night.  Tonight we did something unusually adventurous… by our standards anyway.  Something I’ve been wanting to do for a long, long time.  ICE SKATING!  Yay!!!!!!!!!  We haven’t ever gone together, and John hasn’t gone since he was 18.  Aaaaaaaand…

We royally stunk.  (Hey, I never said I couldn’t insult us on my blog.) You won’t be seeing us in the next winter olympics, that’s for sure.  We did vastly improve (I like to think) as we continued to skate over that first hour, and it was lots of fun.  Not as easy as I remember it being when I was younger, but hey.  That’s growing up for you.  😛  Timid me, I even got to where I would spin around, skate backwards, and was (trying to) skate fast.  (Not all at once.)

Then, attempting my fastest run around the rink ever, I fell. 

“Wight on my pumkin head,” as Doodle would say.

I’m still not sure how it happened.  One moment I’m thinking, “Ooooh!  Look at me go!!!” and the next minute I’m slip-smack-CRACK, flat on my back.

It hurt.


Way to end our date prematurely, and with such a bang.

Next time -and there will be a next time- I’m wearing one of those dorky helmets they have for the kids.  Ice is hard.

2 Responses to Date Night!

  1. earwaxtasteslikecrayons says:

    Good for you! I used to love ice skating, and I think I may take Eden this year. (The rest of the fam is kind of restricted in those falling-down-and-possibly-breaking-bones kinds of activities.)


  2. Anita says:

    Yeah… Ice v. Zack is probably not a good idea. But Eden would probably love it! 🙂 🙂

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